Electric Train V3

Feel free to have a look on the V2 first:

The biggest change is in the camera able to follow the phone orientation to update its angle. I also replace the front/rear sensors.


Camera tracking

I used the html5 API to detect the phone orientation:

if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
  // Our browser supports DeviceOrientation
  window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", deviceOrientationListener);
} else {
  console.log("Sorry, your browser doesn't support Device Orientation");
function deviceOrientationListener(event) {
  var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
  ctx.fillStyle = "#FF7777";
  ctx.font = "14px Verdana";
  ctx.fillText("Alpha: " + Math.round(event.alpha), 10, 20);
  ctx.moveTo(180, 75);
  ctx.lineTo(210, 75);
  ctx.arc(180, 75, 60, 0, event.alpha * Math.PI / 180);

  ctx.fillStyle = "#FF6600";
  ctx.fillText("Beta: " + Math.round(event.beta), 10, 140);
  ctx.fillRect(180, 150, event.beta, 90);

  ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
  ctx.fillText("Gamma: " + Math.round(event.gamma), 10, 270);
  ctx.fillRect(90, 340, 180, event.gamma);
  var aMsg = event.alpha.toString()+"_"+event.beta.toString()+"_"+event.gamma.toString();
  console.log("aMsg" + aMsg);

Which send the 3 orientation information to the Tornado python server running on the Raspberry pi of the train. First I was doing JSON REST call to send the string containing the information but it was too slow to have the camera moving in real time. This was the perfect opportunity to use websocket for more real time communication.

function onOpen(evt) { 
        doSend("Hi there!");
    function onClose(evt) { 
    function onMessage(evt) { 
        console.log('message: ' + evt.data);
    function onError(evt) { 
        writeToScreen('error' + evt.data);
    function doSend(message) { 
function testWebSocket() {
        websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) };
        websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) };
        websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) };
        websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) };

if (!'WebSocket' in window){
    console.log("Sorry, your browser doesn't support Websockets");
} else {
var wsUri = "ws://";
var websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);

Which is received on the server side and put in a variable (see the class Handler_WS) :

    def on_message(self, iMessage):
        """Methode call when the server receive a message"""
        logging.info('Receive incoming message:'+str(iMessage))

This variable is then read every 125ms by the “foo” function:

tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(lambda: foo(aTrain), 125).start()

At the end the real method called is in charge of updating the turret position. The whole stuff is based on an existing framework called servoBlaster which will take care of driving the Servo.

def updateTurretFromScreenAngle(self):
        if (self._cellAngles!=""):
            #Update Gamma
            aGamma = self._cellAngles.split("_")[2]
            aGammaF = float(aGamma)
            aGammaI = int(aGammaF)
            aGammaisNegative = False
            if (aGammaI<0): aGammaI=(aGammaI*-1)-40 aGammaisNegative = True else: aGammaI=140-aGammaI if ((aGammaI>0)and(aGammaI<100)):
                self._turretHeight = 100 - aGammaI
            #Update Alpha

Servo Blaster is library able to drive Servo on the Raspberry pi using software PWM. It is pretty hard to do since the Pi is not running a real-time OS. It relies on very low level interruption to ensure the timing needed to have a proper PWM are respected. You can have more info on it here:


It basically start a daemon (which I added in the crontab to be launch at boot time) on which you can interact with writing the desired position of each servo in /dev/servoblaster like:

echo 3=120 > /dev/servoblaster 

I also used servo blaster to send PWM info to the motor driver to change the train speed (since this functionality was broken when I moved from Arduino to Rapsberry Pi).

Contact sensors

I replace the old contact sensor by some new sensor able to detect an incoming obstacle before impact.


They are still binary sensors that will turn high if they detect an obstacle but they have a wider range between 2 and 10 centimeters. This allows the train to detect incoming obstacle and stop before hitting it. The sensor is available on ADAfruit:


I made some videos on this new version on YouTube:


As always the code is available here:

Electric train V2

Following the first version of the electric train : http://djynet.net/?p=731

After some weeks of works I’m proud to announce the Version 2 of the electric train:


Wifi capabilities

The train can now be control with Wifi. It creates a wifi hotspot at boot time allowing people to connect to access a UI with some commands. The Wifi hotspot creation is describe HERE


The train now offers a Web UI which allows controlling it and seeing the camera broadcast. The UI is done in Angular JS (with Bootsrap Angular UI). The Web server used to render the page is a python one : Tornado.

In addition of the UI it offers REST API to control the train (which are called today by the UI but could be used for a native Android application). The Web creation setup is detail HERE (TODO).

Embedded camera

The train is now equipped with a camera (the official Raspberry camera). The camera stream is broadcast and available on the train Web UI. The camera broadcast setup is describe HERE

Raspberry Pi brain

I replace the Arduino board with a Raspberry Pi A+. This extra boost of power was needed to broadcast the camera stream and create a wifi hotspot.

UBEC Power source

The biggest surprise I had when creating the new version was lot of unexpected Raspberry Pi reboot. Every time I was starting to move the train the Raspberry Pi was rebooting. I quickly suspect it was due to the motor which either took too much current or create perturbation that the 7805 cannot handle by itself. I done some research to understand how this issue was usually handle in R/C world and find out that they already have the perfect solution : BEC.

It is used to power the command part of the RC model from the same source than the motor. It provides a smooth tension and is able to absorb the impact of the motors on the power source with use of self and capacitor (wikipedia link). Since it is standard component in R/C world you can buy them pretty easily on the Web :


The final result is visible in this video : TODO

Test Analyseur logique Scanalogic-2 de IKA-LOGIC

Suite a la comparaison des analyseurs logiques realise le mois dernier et disponibles ici :

J’ai décidé de présenter plus précisément le Scanalogic-2 que je me suis offert pour noël. Pour ce test j’ai choisit d’analyser les échanges entre un Arduino Leonardo et un récepteur TCM310 EnOcean.


EnOcean est un groupement industriel qui développe des capteurs fonctionnant sans fils et sans batterie (le capteur utilise l’énergie de son environnement).

Capture du 2014-01-19 11:01:15

Je vous conseil de visiter le site web officiel :

Pour ce test j’ai également acheter un interrupteur compatible EnOcean : le VITA 1001 de VITEC


L’interrupteur est un peu plus “dure” a enfoncer qu’un interrupteur standard car la force de notre appuie va également créer l’énergie nécessaire au circuit embarque qui enverra un signal radio au récepteur TCM310. Le TCM310 enverra ensuite un signal a l’Arduino que nous voulons analyser dans cet article.

Voila le montage complet :


Les branchements entre l’analyseur logique et le système sont :

  • Masse – Masse
  • Ch3 (rouge) – Arduino Rx – TCM310 Tx
  • Ch1 (vert) – Arduino Tx – TCM310 Rx

L’installation de l’analyseur logique est extrêmement simple sous Windows et ne nécessite aucun drivers. Une fois lance il est assez simple d’utilisation puisqu’il suffit de choisir la fréquence échantillonnage et le critère de start (front descendant par exemple). Voila le résultat lors d’un appuie sur l’interrupteur :


On constate donc une communication du module 310 vers l’Arduino lors de l’appuie sur l’interrupteur. Il existe une fonction assez pratique dans le logiciel scanlogic pour afficher les valeur hexa de chaque bytes échangés (visible sur la photo ci dessus). Dans notre exemple la communication commence par 0x55.

Pour mieux comprendre la trame il suffit de jeter un œil a la documentation du protocole EnOcean disponible sur internet et ci dessous :

On trouvera notamment le format standard d’une trame copier ci-dessous :


“As soon as a Sync.-Byte (value 0x55) is identified….” confirme également que nous analysons la bonne trame.

Voila la trame complète récupérée et sa signification obtenue grâce a la documentation :

Value (Hexa) Note
Sync Byte 0x55
Header Data Length 1 0x00
Data Length 2 0x07 Data payload is 7 Bytes
Optional Length 0x07 Opt Data Payload is 7 Bytes
Packet Type 0x01 Type : Radio
CRC8 Header 0x7A OK
Data ORG F6
Sender ID 1 0 Module ID : 008BA977
Sender ID 2 8B
Sender ID 3 A9
Sender ID 4 77
Status 30
Optional Data Number of sub telegram 1 1 sub telegram
Destination (4 bytes) FF Broadcast message
dBm 2D 45 for best RSSI
Security level 0 No encryption
CRC8 Data 3F OK

l’étape suivante est la création d’une libraire Arduino pour décoder la trame et interagir avec le TCM310…… dans un autre post !

Analyseur logique

Je cherche un analyseur logique “pas chère” pour debugger mes montages électroniques. j’ai trouve 3 bons candidats :

Scanalogic-2 de IKA-LOGIC

Prix : 60E

Open Workbench Logic Sniffer de Dangerous Prototypes

Prix : 50$

Logic de Saleae

Prix : 120E

Le Logic semble être un très bon choix mais hors budget 😉 Il existe des clones a 50E mais ils semble que le logiciel officiel les détectes et change leur firmware pour les rendre inutilisables….

Le scanalogic et l OWLS sont sensiblement équivalent (en tout cas pour mes besoins) et j’ai décidé d’essayer la version française 😉

Update des que j’essaye la bête.

Test carte Rocket scream Mini Ultra +

Cela fait longtemps que je cherche une carte Arduino qui consomme le minimum de courant pour pouvoir la mettre dehors sur batterie…. A force de chercher j’ai trouve une carte spécialement conçue dans cette optique : Rocket scream Mini Ultra +. La carte est disponible en ligne ICI.


J’ai décidé de la tester avec un petit programme qui fait clignoter une led. Pour avoir un point de référence j’ai uploader le programme sur une arduino leonardo et sur la MiniUltra+.


Voila la consommation des 2 cartes :

Arduino Leonardo : 48.4 mA
Rocket scream Mini Ultra + : 6.7 mA

La carte consomme 7 fois moins que l’Arduino Leonardo ! Je vais lui ajouter un module Xbee avec un mode sleep et refaire des mesures 😉

Update du 9 Mai :

Si on ajoute un module Xbee la consommation passe de 6.7 mA a 45 mA (ce qui correspond a la datasheet Xbee +40mA). J’ajoute aussi un capteur de lumière qui permettra au système domotique de savoir quand il faut fermer les volets ;). On a donc une consommation de 45 mA…..encore un peu trop a mon gout !

L’étape suivante est de faire dormir le module Xbee en utilisant la broche “DTR” du module. Il faut la mettre a l’état haut pour faire dormir le module et donc diminuer sa consommation (il faut aussi que le module soit configurer en sleep mode PIN). Je fais donc “dormir” le module 5 min puis ensuite l’Arduino allume le module et envoie la valeur de la luminosité. Voila le code :

//Libraries definitions
//Xbee library
//Deipara library

//pin guirlande led
const int _OutDebugLed = 8;
const int _OutXbeeWakeUp = 7;
const int _InLightPin = 4;

//Xbee objects
//create Xbee object to control a Xbee
XBee _Xbee = XBee(); 
//Create reusable response objects for responses we expect to handle
ZBRxResponse _ZbRxResp = ZBRxResponse(); 
//Global variable used in the program
int _CmdReceived = 0;
int _DataToSend = 0;

void setup()
  // start serial
  //defined IO
  pinMode(_OutDebugLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_OutXbeeWakeUp, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_InLightPin, INPUT);

  digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, LOW);


void loop()
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(_OutXbeeWakeUp, LOW);
  unsigned int val = analogRead(_InLightPin);    // read the input pin
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_OutXbeeWakeUp, HIGH);


En utilisant ce code la consommation passe de 45 mA a 7mA (avec un petit pic a 30mA toutes les 5 minutes) ! Une dernière optimisation est de faire dormir le micro en plus du module Xbee. Je me suis inspire d’un article dispo ICI. Il s’agit d’utiliser le WatchDog pour réveiller le micro toutes les 8s (on ne peut pas faire plus) et attendre d’avoir fait ça pendant 5 minutes pour ensuite faire le vrai processus. Voila le code :

//Xbee library
#include <XBee.h>
//Deipara library
#include <Deipara.h>
// This library contains functions to set various low-power states for the ATmega328
#include <avr/sleep.h>

// This variable is made volatile because it is changed inside an interrupt function
// Keep track of how many sleep cycles have been completed.
volatile int sleep_count = 0; 
// 75 loop needed since ze sleep for 8s and want to wait 10 minutes
const int sleep_total = 75; 

const int _OutDebugLed = 8;
const int _InLightPin = 4;
const int _OutXbeeWakeUp = 7;

//Xbee objects
//create Xbee object to control a Xbee
XBee _Xbee = XBee(); 
//Create reusable response objects for responses we expect to handle
ZBRxResponse _ZbRxResp = ZBRxResponse(); 
//Global variable used in the program
int _CmdReceived = 0;
int _DataToSend = 0;

void goToSleep()   
  // The ATmega328 has five different sleep states.
  // See the ATmega 328 datasheet for more information.
  // SLEEP_MODE_IDLE -the least power savings 
  // SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN -the most power savings
  // I am using the deepest sleep mode from which a
  // watchdog timer interrupt can wake the ATMega328
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, HIGH);

  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // Set sleep mode.
  sleep_enable(); // Enable sleep mode.
  sleep_mode(); // Enter sleep mode.
  // After waking from watchdog interrupt the code continues
  // to execute from this point.

  sleep_disable(); // Disable sleep mode after waking.
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, LOW);                   

void watchdogOn() 
  // Clear the reset flag, the WDRF bit (bit 3) of MCUSR.
  MCUSR = MCUSR & B11110111;

  // Set the WDCE bit (bit 4) and the WDE bit (bit 3) 
  // of WDTCSR. The WDCE bit must be set in order to 
  // change WDE or the watchdog prescalers. Setting the 
  // WDCE bit will allow updtaes to the prescalers and 
  // WDE for 4 clock cycles then it will be reset by 
  // hardware.
  WDTCSR = WDTCSR | B00011000; 

  // Set the watchdog timeout prescaler value to 1024 K 
  // which will yeild a time-out interval of about 8.0 s.
  WDTCSR = B00100001;

  // Enable the watchdog timer interupt.
  WDTCSR = WDTCSR | B01000000;
  MCUSR = MCUSR & B11110111;

  sleep_count ++; // keep track of how many sleep cycles have been completed.

void setup(void) 
  // start serial
  watchdogOn(); // Turn on the watch dog timer.
  pinMode(_OutDebugLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_OutXbeeWakeUp, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_InLightPin, INPUT);

void loop(void) 
  goToSleep(); // ATmega328 goes to sleep for about 8 seconds and continues to execute code when it wakes up

  if (sleep_count == sleep_total) 
    sleep_count = 0;
    //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeeWakeUp, LOW);
    unsigned int val = analogRead(_InLightPin);    // read the input pin
    //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeeWakeUp, HIGH);

Avec cet toute derniere version le module (Micro + Xbee) se reveille toutes les 10 minutes pour recuperer la luminosite et l’envoyer au systeme domotique. La consomation finale du module complet est de 4.9mA pendant la veille !! On passe donc d’un montage V1 de 96mA (Arduino Uno + Xbee) a un nouveau module consomant 4.9mA (UltraMini+ et Xbee et sleep mode pour tous).

On a donc diviser la consommation du module par 20!!!!

Update du 17 Mai :

J’ai remarque que la batterie se decharge beaucoup plus vite que prevue….et apres quelques investigations le probleme vient du module Xbee qui ne repasse pas en mode sleep lorsque il est en dehors du reseau ZigBee. En googlant un peu j ai trouve un post similaire sur les forum DIGI (constructeur du Xbee) :

XBee S2 end device goes crazy when coordinator loses power

“The Xbee product manual states that when an end device loses contact with it’s parent, the end device will poll for the parent, and if no reply is received in three polls the unit will go into a search for network mode.

I find that with Xbee S2 modems (that came in several L/H/T sensors I purchased), when the coordinator inadvertently loses power the end device modem instead starts a rapid fire output of data requests (assumed to be polls) at approximately 5ms intervals for indeterminate amounts of time, a minimum of 30+ seconds. In some instances the polling appears to never stop. In some instances the polling finally stops and a beacon request is sent as a start to a network search.”

Dans mon cas il est possible que le module soit hors réseau pendant un moment (je coupe les modules quand je ne suis pas a la maison)…. Il s’agit d un bug qui est normalement corriger dans les derniers firmware (j ai pourtant mis a jour les modules mais le pb continue).

J’ai donc decider de ne plus utiliser le “sleep mode” des modules et de simplement les alimenter a la demande avec 2 broches de la platine Arduino. J’ai applique la meme methode a tous les autres capteurs de la platine (Temperature, Humidite, et luminosite). Il ne sont alimenter que toutes les X minutes pour effectuer les mesures et les envoyer a la centrale. Voila la derniere version du code :

//Xbee library
#include <XBee.h>
//Deipara library
#include <Deipara.h>
// This library contains functions to set various low-power states for the ATmega328
#include <avr/sleep.h>
//RHT03 library
#include <DHT22.h>

// This variable is made volatile because it is changed inside an interrupt function
// Keep track of how many sleep cycles have been completed.
volatile int sleep_count = 0; 
// 75 loop needed since ze sleep for 8s and want to wait 10 minutes
//const int sleep_total = 75; 
const int sleep_total = 60; 

const int _InPinDht22 = 6;
const int _OutPowerLightSensor = 7;
const int _OutXbeePower1 = 8;
const int _OutXbeePower2 = 9;
const int _OutPowerDHT22 = 10;
const int _InLightPin = 4;

//Xbee objects
//create Xbee object to control a Xbee
XBee _Xbee = XBee(); 
//Create reusable response objects for responses we expect to handle
ZBRxResponse _ZbRxResp = ZBRxResponse();
//Setup a DHT22 instance
DHT22 _Dht22(_InPinDht22); //Setup a DHT22 instance 
//Global variable used in the program
int _CmdReceived = 0;
int _DataToSend = 0;

void goToSleep()   
  // The ATmega328 has five different sleep states.
  // See the ATmega 328 datasheet for more information.
  // SLEEP_MODE_IDLE -the least power savings 
  // SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN -the most power savings
  // I am using the deepest sleep mode from which a
  // watchdog timer interrupt can wake the ATMega328
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, HIGH);

  set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // Set sleep mode.
  sleep_enable(); // Enable sleep mode.
  sleep_mode(); // Enter sleep mode.
  // After waking from watchdog interrupt the code continues
  // to execute from this point.

  sleep_disable(); // Disable sleep mode after waking.
  //digitalWrite(_OutDebugLed, LOW);                   

void watchdogOn() 
  // Clear the reset flag, the WDRF bit (bit 3) of MCUSR.
  MCUSR = MCUSR & B11110111;

  // Set the WDCE bit (bit 4) and the WDE bit (bit 3) 
  // of WDTCSR. The WDCE bit must be set in order to 
  // change WDE or the watchdog prescalers. Setting the 
  // WDCE bit will allow updtaes to the prescalers and 
  // WDE for 4 clock cycles then it will be reset by 
  // hardware.
  WDTCSR = WDTCSR | B00011000; 

  // Set the watchdog timeout prescaler value to 1024 K 
  // which will yeild a time-out interval of about 8.0 s.
  WDTCSR = B00100001;

  // Enable the watchdog timer interupt.
  WDTCSR = WDTCSR | B01000000;
  MCUSR = MCUSR & B11110111;

  sleep_count ++; // keep track of how many sleep cycles have been completed.

void setup(void) 
  pinMode(_OutPowerLightSensor, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_OutPowerDHT22, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_OutXbeePower1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_OutXbeePower2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_InLightPin, INPUT);

  digitalWrite(_OutPowerLightSensor, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_OutPowerDHT22, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower2, LOW);

  // start serial


  watchdogOn(); // Turn on the watch dog timer.

void loop(void) 
  goToSleep(); // ATmega328 goes to sleep for about 8 seconds and continues to execute code when it wakes up

  if (sleep_count > sleep_total) 
    sleep_count = 0;
    //First we power the Xbee so it has time to reach the network and the other captor
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(_OutPowerDHT22, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(_OutPowerLightSensor, HIGH);
    //Then wait 0.5s to be ready 
    //we read the light sensor value
    unsigned int aLightValue = analogRead(_InLightPin);
    //we turn it off
    digitalWrite(_OutPowerLightSensor, LOW);
    //Then read T
    DHT22_ERROR_t errorCode;
    errorCode = _Dht22.readData();
    int aTempValue=_Dht22.getTemperatureCAsInt();
    int aHumidityValue=_Dht22.getHumidityAsInt();

    digitalWrite(_OutPowerDHT22, LOW);

    //we wait few second to be sure Xbee reach the network
    //we send the info
    //we turn off the xbee module
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_OutXbeePower2, LOW);

Grâce a ce nouveau code/design le module ne consomme que 1.6mA en veille et aux alentours de 40mA lorsqu’il se réveille pour effectuer les mesures toutes les X minutes (toutes les 9 minutes pour l instant). Voila une photo du montage final :
